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Full Version: SECRET ADMIN.. looooool
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libertyspeed86 :  drunk u a secret admin
libertyspeed86 :  drunk ur a secret admin
(Terrorist) T.H.E**D.R.U.N.K**K.I.L.L.E.R :  hahah no, why?
libertyspeed86 :  why
(Terrorist) T.H.E**D.R.U.N.K**K.I.L.L.E.R :  why do u think i am?
                    **2 minutes later**
libertyspeed86 :  ADMIN GIVE ME GRAV
libertyspeed86 :  PLEASE
(Terrorist) T.H.E**D.R.U.N.K**K.I.L.L.E.R :  hahah who u talkin to? me?
libertyspeed86 :  YA U DRUNK
(Terrorist) T.H.E**D.R.U.N.K**K.I.L.L.E.R :  im not admin
libertyspeed86 :  YOUR AN UNDERCOVER ADMIN
libertyspeed86 :  DRUNK...
(Terrorist) T.H.E**D.R.U.N.K**K.I.L.L.E.R :  wat
**end of the map.
another one ---> http://war-lords.net/open-chat/everyone-...to-me-lol/
Boring. /thread
FK IT ! make him an admin  :Smile
If you want to app, do it.
Riser` Wrote:If you want to app, do it.
i'm thinking about it.. Big Grin but not now  Wink
DRUNK_KILLER Wrote:i'm thinking about it.. Big Grin but not now  Wink
You would surely make a great admin, they would kill to add to their staff! Smile
lol drunk is an undercover admin.
LOL, drunk when you become an admin just dont get on my bad side cuz i can destroy you MWAHAHAHAHAHA >Big Grin
MindHACKer Wrote:
DRUNK_KILLER Wrote:i'm thinking about it.. Big Grin but not now  Wink
You would surely make a great admin, they would kill to add to their staff! Smile
hahah i wish  Big Grin Wink
mar_heave Wrote:lol drunk is an undercover admin.
could u imagine that? lol
Assassin Wrote:LOL, drunk when you become an admin just dont get on my bad side cuz i can destroy you MWAHAHAHAHAHA >Big Grin
lol u got me scared now, im already in ur side bro.. lol
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