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Full Version: Watch The WarLords First Match!
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When? Tonight, Dec 5 at 11:00 EST

We will be playing to be ranked #1 on the ladder on de_season.

Source TV:
connect;password outkast
Damn. I'm in a 3 day workshop. I've got to check the schedule in advance. :-\

Nevertheless, all the best guys!
So is this TWL?

Link me to the team page.
I will watch if I'm available and remember.  ;D
Nice job. 16-8 win. It was fun to watch but I only saw two wL members on the team.  :-\
Well remix wasn't on Sad    there would of been 3.
maybe i should tryout for your team...hummm.
This entire night was just fail. I would like to not talk about it tbh. Great job on the win.....='[ im sorry.
JayCat Wrote:Nice job. 16-8 win. It was fun to watch but I only saw two wL members on the team.  :-\

Yeah, Remix was supposed to play, making it 3, however he didn't show up.  I'm trying out players slowly at the moment. I worked with Silly and Mav some, but haven't seen them enough to know strength's and weaknesses. In time, in time.
i wwanna join  8)
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