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I live in LA too. I agree on everything but the snow =o. Snow is a pain in the ass to deal with but I wouldn't mind it once a year.
yea i can agree with that! I like going to the beach in the winter and its still warm so >Tongue


I also hate amount of body shops and mechanic shops, they're showing up even where they're not suppose to, it's all because of the amount of cars in LA.
I live in Vancouver. We get about 2 weeks of snow every year. That's all you need
You guys are all pussies.
L.A. is a shit hole. 10% tax? its 15% here.
Its the most expensive place in North America to live and its well worth it.
Its like living in the states without all the bullshit and losers

Where in Vancouver? The actual city? Rarely get snow that's not in the mountains in Burnaby =\


expo1122 Wrote:I live in Vancouver. We get about 2 weeks of snow every year. That's all you need
You guys are all pussies.
L.A. is a shit hole. 10% tax? its 15% here.
Its the most expensive place in North America to live and its well worth it.
Its like living in the states without all the bullshit and losers
you are complaining about the it being too hot for snow??? i just went out for some pho and it was 48 degrees outside and raining. terribleee. but at least it made the pho good. im not in la but im in the area, socal all day^^
langley wanna bang me?
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