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Full Version: Griefed?
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Seriously? Who flooded the spawn with lava? And who blew a whole in the side of my building and filled it with lava?

Edit: Aaaaaand fucking flooded my green house. Seriously, resort to petty acts of griefing? Fucking pathetic.
I CONFESS i made a griefcraft clan and raided your server, where can i buy minecraft at by the way?
It was me, with my pirated copy of Minecraft.
lolololoololololoollol i sense a disturbance in the force, er nvm nvm it was just Rival and his emotions griefing the mc server
I cant even connect to the server, it's set to only legit copies of Minecraft.
hmm, im purrty sure pass is running an mc servers still ;]
I just moved, i'll ban whoever did it when i get my computers setup again.
LEAKY Big Grin, hows life there or where ever you moved tooo
Fuck it. I'm just gonna stay in the server from now on to catch who ever is griefing so hard.
Leaky could just check the server logs to see who has connected.....
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