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Full Version: Wonder what you guys look like
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Pages: 1 2
hay fellas my names Jhonnie im a british german canadian and i guess its time we do some introductions ive been playing on this server for the past 5 months from various countries. cheers.
how do i add pictures here lol
"me n stupid bitch.jpg". Classic.

_B|4D3_ Wrote:hay fellas my names Jhonnie im a british german canadian

"me n stupid bitch.jpg"

So your the lady, and the dude is the bitch?
KŋÏğĦ‘tRìĐě® Wrote:"me n stupid bitch.jpg"

So your the lady, and the dude is the bitch?
My thoughts exactly
Welcome to the forums...its to bad that the only thing that really brought you hear is that you got banned..anyway ENJOY!
all roses have thornes  Wink tks brav
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:Welcome to the forums...its to bad that the only thing that really brought you hear is that you got banned..anyway ENJOY!
Same thing happened to me. I joined the forums because I was banned.
Le me rain showering outside my house

[Image: Pain-naruto-shippuuden-19108589-1280-720.jpg]

Pages: 1 2