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Movie seems lame. I hope it doesn't disappoint. But it will.

OMG there is a new part!!!!
I really loved the last 2 parts. this is great me & my friend have always wished that there would be a 3rd part.
can't wait for it to be released..
oh boy, cant wait
Looks like a bit of good news/bad news here. 
Good news; Tommy Lee Jones is back (at least somewhat), and Josh Brolin is in it.  Poor Tommy though, he has a 43 year old playing the 'young' version of his character.
Bad news; Will Smith is back.... and Nichole Scherzinger is in it?? Really? Why.....
I'll probably see it... in 5 years when it's on a basic cable channel (FX).
And it can't disappoint you if you don't expect it to be good in the first place...
MindHACKer Wrote:OMG there is a new part!!!!
I really loved the last 2 parts. this is great me & my friend have always wished that there would be a 3rd part.
can't wait for it to be released..
m2  Wink