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just realized i never put in a introduction :O lol well u guyz already know me Big Grin
alright, since canister requested it. My username on starcraft is acid[KreW] and bayne@west. i play fastest maps and ums usally. o and am awsome, and this song is the total opposite of me Tongue
lawlz, u shud tell us something about urself at least  Tongue
fastest ftw, low money maps are too slow.
Welcome to war-lords.net, hey i an reminded I didn't make an introduction, hmm well I guess I should.
Neander Wrote:fastest ftw, low money maps are too slow.

rofl, that a fail
Welcome to war-lords!
Fastest maps are too cheezy, Pros like Boxer, Flash, and Jaedong, they all play melee low money.