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Full Version: Let us see your "What the f*ck" screenshots and fail images. :o
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Image #1
[Image: B995F29C9EFD7C17A55CDFD5008FA457EE4E0DDB]

Image #2  (My actual no-life time is double that on mg server. Haha.)
[Image: 1920C7DA4CB8F4DE7EFF854BFABF05833BB399FA]

Image #3
[Image: C4F5D64377E2DC4F9200444B83F4BC458F3B72A5]

Image #4
[Image: 25D398A47A625452EBF0A1C5E0CB37B1BDE32C60]

Image #5
[Image: 5CE63619E8D8C593B73A71FE03973205C6CD63D6]

Image #6
[Image: 1D7673B0B26D13E1DE96DD02BE4447CA29CE6E76]

Image #7
[Image: 3BBEB3D6A8B572DAE21BF087509FE8666C8CAA13]

Image #8
[Image: C1F244F34B22A9794CED5977299EB9B1A5438B3D]

Image #9
[Image: 8F6D61D8DE3BF5E5F5CEA8C95C0274CAD296619F]

Image #10
[Image: D8713A775766C736DC937F0F6A06039916FEB1DF]

Image #11
[Image: 3D3CDBF64F11DA56BCA665240351047406C70D0F]

Image #12
[Image: 0F22552AA93C519C894FC75D89278BE9550AFF91]

Image #13
[Image: BE172E04984E31FCB1ACC98B77EDEB066F0DF578]

Image #14
[Image: 443FD4EB9B6AF19F364F82219DE738EF0E95EFC8]

Image #15
[Image: 0E2BEA81C20DB4C5A04BDE185A4170BBE06CF586]
look at the 2nd pic.. lol noob
Some glitch in CSS
Lol, any idea how that happened? I think my left hand wouldn't be strong enough to use a deagle in real life. o.o
haha i have no idea how it happened. You would need a strong left hand for the deagles recoil. It could be a very lethal combination though haha
I just realized that there are four hands in that picture.. Lol.
haha wow there is, its not like there is another person inside of him with one of the guns either. very weird...
BaNaNaMaN's Fail moment is when he bought this game...
[Image: 2050%252520-%252520anime%252520facepalm%...1%255D.jpg]
360Oreo Wrote:BaNaNaMaN's Fail moment is when he bought this game...
[Image: 2050%252520-%252520anime%252520facepalm%...1%255D.jpg]
everyone does that when i Kick their asses in MW3