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-1... Dont really like it.
WHAT? kid do you know who Black Sabbath is? no i should start off with this..

Do you listen to any Metal/Hard rock music?

if you do you just listen to the Children of Black Sabbath.

Black Sabbath was the makers(AKA the Heart)of Metal.

they were first to come up with the idea of metal.
I have to disagree with you dreams...the four God Fathers of Metal are Slayer, Metallica, Motor head, and Anthrax.
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:I have to disagree with you dreams...the four God Fathers of Metal are Slayer, Metallica, Motor head, and Anthrax.

Although I think they're good bands, it's Black Sabbath who influenced them and not the other way around.
As for who's better, Black Sabbath or the rest of those bands depends on your taste I guess. Personally I like Motorhead the least(except for Ace Of Spades Smile )
.::Dre@m$::. Wrote:WHAT? kid do you know who Black Sabbath is? no i should start off with this..

WOA WOA, hold on there. You calling somone kid when you are one too? WOA WOA Also this song sucks my balls.
KŋÏğĦ‘tRìĐě® Wrote:
.::Dre@m$::. Wrote:WHAT? kid do you know who Black Sabbath is? no i should start off with this..

WOA WOA, hold on there. You calling somone kid when you are one too? WOA WOA Also this song sucks my balls.

+ 1
Quote:WHAT? kid do you know who Black Sabbath is? no i should start off with this..
WOA WOA, hold on there. You calling somone kid when you are one too? WOA WOA Also this song sucks my balls.
