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George, Of The Jungle Wrote:[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqBPJPzehZE&feature=related[/youtube]
Oh............... Hahaha, gross...  ;D
Why do you quote the video silly? Do you think that we are going to forget that your commenting on the video? Seriously just stop plz.
silly Wrote:
George, Of The Jungle Wrote:[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqBPJPzehZE&feature=related[/youtube]
Oh............... Hahaha, gross...  ;D

Rofl indeed.
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:Why do you quote the video silly?
Mainly because I was tired, and it was habit to do so.

SpartanOnLSD Wrote:Do you think that we are going to forget that your commenting on the video?
No, but your incorrect assumption comes across as insulting.

SpartanOnLSD Wrote:Seriously just stop plz.
Why? What's the big deal?
I'm sry if you feel that way, but it was just a
Question not an assumption, that is why there is a ? At the end of the question.  And it's just because im on my phone so it take double the time to load.