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Full Version: Need a Logo
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Please, I need this one! I wanna ask you guys to make Some Logo
Letters : Tear Boys
Please make it a lil' bit 3D like this
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... o_logo.png

I'll give you my life if you can make this for me
[Image: OREO%20Sandwich.GIF]lol i dont how to do it
naive Wrote:O.o
Why'd you make it pink? Hahaha.
silly Wrote:
naive Wrote:O.o
Why'd you make it pink? Hahaha.
[Image: smiley_lol.gif]
naive Wrote:O.o
Its nice but can you make it cooler and not PINK?  ;D Just make it similar to OREO  Smile
Thank you
I think that naive had a wrong idea about ur sexual profile pain .......LOL
MindHACKer Wrote:I think that naive had a wrong idea about ur sexual profile pain .......LOL

That's the work with right hand, not my logo  :Smile
face it, this is your new sig, use it!
Please..... another 1