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Could someone translate the text in the image?
[Image: Untitled-12.png]
ok the russian part says:
AWP is limited to zero for terrorists, can't pick up.  :o it means that no Ts can pick up an AWP, that's gay!
}{@K@P Wrote:ok the russian part says:
AWP is limited to zero for terrorists, can't pick up.  :o it means that no Ts can pick up an AWP, that's gay!
lol thats why i love Russians, lol we could never undesrtand that without one here..lol
}{@K@P Wrote:ok the russian part says:
AWP is limited to zero for terrorists, can't pick up.  :o -----> that's original text on that pic

}{@K@P Wrote:ok the russian part says:
it means that no Ts can pick up an AWP, that's gay!
that's my opinion about this lol  Big Grin
}{@K@P Wrote:
}{@K@P Wrote:ok the russian part says:
AWP is limited to zero for terrorists, can't pick up.  :o -----> that's original text on that pic

}{@K@P Wrote:ok the russian part says:
it means that no Ts can pick up an AWP, that's gay!
that's my opinion TRUE about this lol  Big Grin
}{@K@P Wrote:that's gay!
it says that AWP's are restricted for T's.. i was ragin today when i read that in game lol