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Full Version: What do you hug after work?
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Pages: 1 2
MindHACKer Wrote:A big cup of smooth hot chocolate.

BTW we banned it again, States and Europe are mad I guess.
ruplayer Wrote:
MindHACKer Wrote:A big cup of smooth hot chocolate.

BTW we banned it again, States and Europe are mad I guess.

hm, spartan's huging lsd...not just huging...
pTK Wrote:The gurl I kidnapped
was that by any chance assassin me?
Riser` Wrote:
pTK Wrote:The gurl I kidnapped
was that by any chance assassin?

Riser` Wrote:
pTK Wrote:The gurl I kidnapped
was that by any chance assassin me?

thats the first thing i do as a mod and ive abused it watch out you cant mess with me here i rule this place LOL.
My dogs - the love of my life ,cos they are the first ones to the door!! Tongue
I'd say the best thing to hug once I get home from work is my sofa as i am strung across it in a un-cognitive state of mind me girl massages me head n feetĀ  Big Grin now that's love (my sofa i mean).
Pages: 1 2