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Pages: 1 2
My old forum dealt with a lot of bots in general, if that isnt one that well, thats sure some organizied english for a non-bot.
My old forum also seemed to die by about 80% after i left, werd lol.
Seems like a CEO spam bot. Rolleyes
it's not a bot, dave you know him from bnetweb :\
Probably, otherwise you'd start your 2nd post with "no, I'm not a bot".

Double post

Bison knows bots personally?
George Of The Jungle, post: 76397, member: 3094 Wrote:Probably, otherwise you'd start your 2nd post with "no, I'm not a bot".

Double post

Bison knows bots personally?
his account on bnetweb is warden, this is an actual person
So that is Warden... I had a feeling it was :l
henry, post: 76396, member: 395 Wrote:it's not a bot, dave you know him from bnetweb :\
Do a google search on the post. The exact paragraphs show up on other forums. He was spamming it.

George Of The Jungle, post: 76397, member: 3094 Wrote:Bison knows bots personally?
Now you understand. Wink
M. Bison, post: 76448, member: 359 Wrote:Do a google search on the post. The exact paragraphs show up on other forums. He was spamming it.

Now you understand. Wink
of course he's spamming it, warden does that -.-

oh, here's the proof it's not a bot. check his punctuation, there are at least 1/3 of his ,'s(commas) used incorrectly, no bot uses punctuation incorrectly Smile
You clearly haven't seen the international bots. :p
Pages: 1 2