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Pages: 1 2
STEAM_0:1:19669276  02:34
Titans, i am legend, stealth, defend autobots, hawaii legends, not paying attention, wl, wlsb, wlrampagers
23 yrs old
Mum 2 applications? Are you hungry?
very =D
ruplayer Wrote:BRB...

lol brb this guy

who do you think you are mom? wtf! lol
All online members said yes, about 8-9. APPROVED. Now wear it.
ruplayer Wrote:All online members said yes, about 8-9. APPROVED. Now wear it.

Fastest app?
no not the fastest but we are just quick about it.
ruplayer Wrote:All online members said yes, about 8-9. APPROVED. Now wear it.
no one asked me, you slave learn your place, go wipe the floor i want it shiny i want to look at it and see my reflection.
but anyway welcome Smile
Pages: 1 2