why is the W@rez in the grave yard?
the place where all the Cracked stuff goes(games,music,software)..
hmmm, interesting :

hmmm Josh used to upload files on megaupload and that site got banned.
so maybe this reason???
}{@K@P Wrote:lol what is W@rez? :o
the whole time?
I know what you mean man. I used to install mIRC on all of my machines, now it's just a relic of the past. Torrents are better anyways

Dragon Wrote:hmmm Josh used to upload files on megaupload and that site got banned.
so maybe this reason???
You know that megaupload is not the only site you can upload stuff right? and that is not the reason why..
Maybe, i bet canister deleted it.
your kidding really? holy shit... no i need a anther site..