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Full Version: MadFrenzy Application
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-DOB: 12/10/92
-Active on WL servs
-No VAC issues.
-Have Steam
-Willing to leave groups for benefits?
-Enlisting in the military soon, and play a shit load of CS:S hehe. Also getting CS:GO if that matters?
whats your SteamID buddy?  and do you know anyone in the group already?!

I know quite a few WL (:
We will look over your app and get back to you.
Excellent! Thank you
How did you find out about our group?
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:How did you find out about our group?
ur all bade
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:How did you find out about our group?
Angel Wrote:
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:How did you find out about our group?
ur all bade

Thats why we denied your app because youre too bad for this group.
-[ex]iSpy- Wrote:
Angel Wrote:
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:How did you find out about our group?
ur all bade

Thats why we denied your app because youre too bad for this group.
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