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Full Version: eZ-=Target=-
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Yup... eZ-=Target=- has been my handle since I started CS 1.4 back 2001...  Just came back to the game and trying to get a handle on it again....  Other than the trolls (Thank you for the Mute option, Steam), had fun, and some of the guys are actually good to run with.  I play SWTOR when I'm not on CSS or at work...  That's all for now...
hi, welcome to our forums and stay active  Tongue HAVE FUN!
Welcome, what server do you play on and what is your in-game name?
I only use the handle "eZ-=Target=-", and usually can be found on either WL Popular Maps 1 or 2...  I think I have 8 days+ of total play time on WL servers and have played with many of the other regulars.....
Welcome and enjoy your stay Smile
yea hi man how about lets not steal cortex's kills nemoar  haha
Olahlah...Welcome Amigo..
Masterful1 Wrote:Yup... eZ-=Target=- has been my handle since I started CS 1.4 back 2001...  Just came back to the game and trying to get a handle on it again....  Other than the trolls (Thank you for the Mute option, Steam), had fun, and some of the guys are actually good to run with.  I play SWTOR when I'm not on CSS or at work...  That's all for now...

what SWTOR server?
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