If you have anything to say please do O_o i would love to read your comments about me
for some reason this guy named HTML thinks i am talking shit about unit. does anyone else think so?
fuck HTML his the leader of SyL
mhmm i see battle.net humor still hasn't changed.
Lol html is not the leader of Clan SyL he left after his clan was constantly flooded by me, kut, and void. I think HTML hangs in AK on west. Not sure havent been on in a while.
Zaptor fails at making clans and is a newb ;D
TeChN9Ne Wrote:Zaptor fails at making clans and is a newb ;D
This isn't counting to your post count, if thats what you were thinking.
Nope i thought i would just share my thoughts

His house burned down, and he lives on the streets now.