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Full Version: App for "Night Watch"
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-Name in game : Clue
-Steam id: Taijean or http://steamcommunity.com/id/HelloImTony/
-Age: 18
-Steam Groups you're in: One, but it's for fun, not competitive.
-About yourself: I like to play CSS when i get time off from school/gym. I often play on the W-L servers. I would like to join 'Night Watch' because you guys are such a friendly group. I hope i get picked up and to start practicing with the crew!

(Kronos sent me) Thanks for viewing Big Grin
Thank you for a good feedback.

We will be Evaluating your application, stand-by=)
never heard of you. you should play more. anyways, ello mate
_RemiX Wrote:never heard of you. you should play more. anyways, ello mate

Do you play on all wL servers?=)
_RemiX Wrote:never heard of you. you should play more. anyways, ello mate

You never heard of me because i'm not what you call an "outstanding" player Sad

Although, i'm trying my best to learn and practice CSS.

What servers do you play on?
CSSClue Wrote:
_RemiX Wrote:never heard of you. you should play more. anyways, ello mate

You never heard of me because i'm not what you call an "outstanding" player Sad

Although, i'm trying my best to learn and practice CSS.

What servers do you play on?

I haven't heard of you because I haven't played with you.

I normally play sniper and 24/7 d2.
_RemiX Wrote:
CSSClue Wrote:
_RemiX Wrote:never heard of you. you should play more. anyways, ello mate

You never heard of me because i'm not what you call an "outstanding" player Sad

Although, i'm trying my best to learn and practice CSS.

What servers do you play on?

I haven't heard of you because I haven't played with you.

I normally play sniper and 24/7 d2.

I play on Sniper also! Maybe we could play sometime.
CSSClue Wrote:Application:
-Name in game : Clue
-Steam id: Taijean or http://steamcommunity.com/id/HelloImTony/
-Age: 18
-Steam Groups you're in: One, but it's for fun, not competitive.
-About yourself: I like to play CSS when i get time off from school/gym. I often play on the W-L servers. I would like to join 'Night Watch' because you guys are such a friendly group. I hope i get picked up and to start practicing with the crew!

(Kronos sent me) Thanks for viewing Big Grin
I know Clue as tony. I have played with him on some of the wL servers. Honestly, hes a new face trying to fit in with the crowd. He has potential and he seems like a good guy. If it was up to me I would let him join. Maybe it will give him the confidence he needs to be together with an awesome group! Good luck Clue aka Tony! I hope you make it.
Kronos Wrote:
CSSClue Wrote:Application:
-Name in game : Clue
-Steam id: Taijean or http://steamcommunity.com/id/HelloImTony/
-Age: 18
-Steam Groups you're in: One, but it's for fun, not competitive.
-About yourself: I like to play CSS when i get time off from school/gym. I often play on the W-L servers. I would like to join 'Night Watch' because you guys are such a friendly group. I hope i get picked up and to start practicing with the crew!

(Kronos sent me) Thanks for viewing Big Grin
I know Clue as tony. I have played with him on some of the wL servers. Honestly, hes a new face trying to fit in with the crowd. He has potential and he seems like a good guy. If it was up to me I would let him join. Maybe it will give him the confidence he needs to be together with an awesome group! Good luck Clue aka Tony! I hope you make it.
Many neutral votes, no negative votes, and one strong YES from Kronos. We're taking you, get to know more of our members, Welcome to NW.