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Full Version: Movie makers? can someone make me a highlight vid??
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Anyone wlers got good css movie making skills?

i got a lotttaa good demos with somenice kills, wondering if anyone would be willing to put in some time for like a short 10 min movie >??
Im not soryy :l

chun Wrote:a short 10 min movie >??
lol short?
Send me some of your best clips I'll see what I can do
would they have to be clips or could i send you demos?
I can make you 10min fragshow on highquality.
Just give me the demos + ticks.
Example: 4k_nuke-13000
you would actually have to send me the clips and since someone else volunteered just go with him for now and if he sucks pm me
FenKeN Wrote:I can make you 10min fragshow on highquality.
Just give me the demos + ticks.
Example: 4k_nuke-13000

awesome, its gonna be a while, gotta lotta demos to look over