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Full Version: Good Guy Bison
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Pages: 1 2
[Image: 16596275.jpg]

If you haven't noticed, bugs fixed are

Teamflash disabled
Dinking own team mates making their screen shake is also disabled
Removed several spots where bombs can get stuck
Removed nade stuck glitch

And "!block" now allows temporary block so you can jump on team mates to hide into nice ninja spots.
Bisons the shiz, and I didn't know about !block :O
Cortex Wrote:nice
david and i jus checked out the plug-in now , its remarkable . and ya the block thingy is freakin amazin , junkie and i have been exploiting tat to the fullest getting boosted all over the place !! KUDOS David . We loveeeeeeee you!! 8)
awesome man! good job!
Riser` Wrote:Bisons the shiz, and I didn't know about !block :O
But bison needs to uninstall he's katana.
He is the best Smile
it really useful Smile
Pages: 1 2