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1.Where The fuck is Ruplayer?? lol Big Grin
2.And how do you surf in the minigames Ski map?
the answer to both those questions is 7
Cortex Wrote:the answer to both those questions is 7
ruplayer is somewhere no on knows, probs I killed him in-game.

The second question is in google, just type in how to surf, it's quite easy.
1. hes on css break
2. just press "A"and "D" only when surfing, make sure when you press "A" you point your mouse to the left and "D" to the right. never press "W" or "S" when surfing.
Thanks Guys.. Someone told me that ruplayer has been trolling everyone lately... is that right??
[Erevanski]...    (CFC) Wrote:Thanks Guys.. Someone told me that ruplayer has been trolling everyone lately... is that right??
The person who told you just trolled you xD