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Full Version: eZ-=Target=- Application
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-Name in game - eZ-=Target=-
-Steam id - STEAM_0:0:17298402
-Age - 36
-Steam Groups you're in(if any, no benefits). -  None
-About yourself(not required but can be helpful). -  Iraq Veteran, Father of 3, Union worker, like to have fun and join in on team matches... Teamwork is especially enjoyable for me, as multiple units working in unity are stronger than the sum of the individuals....
Thank you for your application.

We will start Evaluating as soon as one of our fellow global moderators will clear some things for us here:

It shouldn't take long, stay tuned.
Thanks for applying! Add me if you want to get into some 10mans.
Will do! Sounds like fun!

Welcome to our family!

Please, send request to join our group on forum as well. Click on the link in this thread http://war-lords.net/night-watch-headqua...-members!/ Stay tuned.