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Full Version: Should we have a Bilingual Admin?
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Psssst... Im the Bilingual Person ;p
it depends....can u speak Klingon? If not then idk..Klingon is the most used language other than English on these servers 
You make a big deal out of it. Half of current admins speak more than one language, and you won't get admin just because you speak Russian.
trueplayer Wrote:You make a big deal out of it. Half of current admins speak more than one language, and you won't get admin just because you speak Russian.

I think he'll be president of jupiter if he could speak russian
We have admins who speaks the following languages:

-Pinoy/Filipino (Philippines)

Edit: I can handle Spanish as well.
I've got the Pig-Latin handled.

I can also speak enough Spanish to get into a fight.
JayCat Wrote:I can also speak enough Spanish to get into a fight.
haha thats enough lol, I can speak English, Spanish and Portuguese.

-No mas.. LOL
My main language is french but i think my english is ok aswell Smile.
JayCat Wrote:I've got the Pig-Latin handled.

I can also speak enough Spanish to get into a fight.

Also the feline language Smile
I can handle Spanish as well.
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