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Full Version: Some of you may know me..
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Pages: 1 2
-RednecK- Wrote:Yes sir Big Grin
can you make me one as a try out?
Sure What do you want on it? beer?
-RednecK- Wrote:Sure What do you want on it? beer?
Anything that matched my name  Wink
Id like a signature too if it wouldn't be too much trouble. Especially from someone who is known as a signature expert. 

Something with my name, and then if possible, a dead or dying assassin and it saying, ASSASSIN SLAYER.

something along those lines. Or just PTK would be nice.
pTK Wrote:Id like a signature too if it wouldn't be too much trouble. Especially from someone who is known as a signature expert. 

Something with my name, and then if possible, a dead or dying ass and it saying, ASS SLAYER.

something along those lines. Or just PTK would be nice.

Nothin' like a bud Big Grin

[Image: ?di=NJYJ]

You like that or do you want something else?
-RednecK- Wrote:Nothin' like a bud Big Grin

[Image: ?di=NJYJ]

You like that or do you want something else?
haha its cool, but 1 only thing I would like to chenge is the name, I mean make it easier to see it.. lol
Also are you going to take care of the Photoshop section again?
I can and ok ill fix the text.
Pages: 1 2