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George, Of The Jungle Wrote:Don't get me wrong, I'm not a typical police basher, in this case it's possible they were under the impression he was armed. This incident just made me wonder about the lack of limits (in my opinion) US society sets for law enforcement.

That's a bunch of crap. It's just that we have the media coverage and you see it. Can you imagine the kind of police brutality that goes on in the other countries around the world?

Actually the US has more accountability for their police than elsewhere. When something happens in the US, it will more than likely be caught on tape for the whole world to see. Then here come all of the protesters and everyone gets their panties in a bunch.
After reviewing this again on my laptop I can tell he probably thought it was a joke, good video that he could get recorded for Facebook and pointed his phone at cops, just to record them. Price is high. Also my friend said they marked 25 rounds on scene, 25 shots was fired.
I think those cops play CS too much,
just like when I (Ts) was running away from Cts, they still shot me.  :'(
Now, please, if Im running away, don't shoot.
JayCat Wrote:
George, Of The Jungle Wrote:Don't get me wrong, I'm not a typical police basher, in this case it's possible they were under the impression he was armed. This incident just made me wonder about the lack of limits (in my opinion) US society sets for law enforcement.

That's a bunch of crap. It's just that we have the media coverage and you see it. Can you imagine the kind of police brutality that goes on in the other countries around the world?

Actually the US has more accountability for their police than elsewhere. When something happens in the US, it will more than likely be caught on tape for the whole world to see. Then here come all of the protesters and everyone gets their panties in a bunch.

Well, obviously there's a lot more excess in a lot of other countries. But that kind of reasoning leads to the end of criticism. That's like arguing the justice system in Turkey is good enough because "the justice system in Saudi Arabia is far worse'.

I just think the 'security vs freedom' debate tends a bit too much towards 'security'. Some laws just go to far for me, like the 'stand your ground' law. I can go with the Castle law, but this one is just excessive.
Like my brav use to say invest in a flak vest, keep those cojas off your ass lol words to live by... Tongue
trueplayer Wrote:To me it looks like he got shot in his arm and kind of held it and kept running until fatal bullet caught him.

It looks like he had a cell phone. Like the reporter said, he was talking to the 911 dispatch. Then he got shot once because he didn't stop. I mean that's what i can see and hear. Not making it obvious. But who knows. We hardly can't see the real thing Big Grin like COPS on TV Big Grin BAD BOYS BAD BOYS!!
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