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Full Version: moose and BukNaaiL
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Pages: 1 2
Your HD Killing sigs.

moose: [Image: mdd7ps31s2ibi1dtwqjp.png]


BukNaaiL: [Image: nailro01f4wkwxh5bh3p.png]

ah cool, you found out how to change the name Smile.

oh and btw, noob trying to take all credits.
Lol cas, I already knew how to change the name, just needed the font and shit like that. Anyways, credits not to me haha.

Did I miss anyone else ?
Nice work,
tbh I liked bananaman more.
MindHACKer Wrote:Nice work,
tbh I liked bananaman more.
MindHACKer Wrote:Nice work,
tbh I liked bananaman more.
Nahhhh. No more BaNaNaMaN maybe only on forums Wink
BaNaNaMaN Wrote:
MindHACKer Wrote:Nice work,
tbh I liked bananaman more.
Nahhhh. No more BaNaNaMaN maybe only on forums Wink
-1, lol anywyas, if you dont want to be a banana thats fine, but onece a banana, always a banana.. LOL
gotta agree with them, i will always call you by banana, it's just too hard to say ''mblaq'' lol
Cas Beep Beep Im A Jeep Wrote:gotta agree with them, i will always call you by banana, it's just too hard to say ''mblaq'' lol
''I'm black'', just like that. (no racist)
Yeah, call me bananananananananananananananananana, anything you want.
Pages: 1 2