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Full Version: Survey : Zombie Escape (for all members)
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A survey about zombie escape so we can know how many members have ever played/watched zombie escape
please post your reply with the answers if you don't mind.I will show the results with numbers

PS : you can skip part 4 and 5
1.Have you ever played or watched(demo/video) zombie escape?
-Yes, demo / video
-Yes, played in other server (4)
-No, never
2.Do you like zombie escape?
-really like it (2)
-like it (2)
-hate it
-other (write in reply)
3.Should we get a zombie escape server? Write reason
-Absolutely (2)
-yes (2)
-let's give it a try
4.favorite maps(one or more)
-alien vs predator (1)
-lord of the rings series (3)
-mako reactor (1)
-death star
-paper escaper (1)
-sorrento (1)
-pirates of the caribbean
-all ze maps
-most of ze maps(1)
5.Favorite zombie models for zombie escape (one or more)
-hl2 (3)
-mass effect
-resident evil (1)
-silver alien

Example : mine
1. yes, played in other server
2. really like it
3. absolutely, I can't find other nonsteam servers except a french server
4.avp, lotr, mako reactor, paper escaper, sorrento escape
1.Yes, played in other serve
2.like it
4.lord of the rings series/minecraft(chinese server but they kick me out because my high ping)
1-Yes, played in other server
2-like it
4-lord of the rings series
5-resident evil
Alicia Melchiott Wrote:when we can play it??
Idk, but when the root admins have time, they will make it, replacing the dead zombie server
i watched the Demo. 8)
1. Played it.

2. Really like it.

3. I'm under the impression we're already changing our Zombie server to Zombie Escape?

4. All of them.  Don't remember many specific map names.

5. Classic HL2 for sure.
post some here..