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Spartacus Wrote:alright what's next?! Hello World?! Tic Tac Toe?!
If there's anything I can't say no to, that would be the Holy seek for knowledge.

To start developing software you need a Code Developing Environment, & since were using Microsoft C.Sharp language we need to get:
(Microsoft Visual Studio 2010)
[Image: lk9ppgqvkxncsdz5w7cp.png]

Now to develop a sample application to demonstrate basics you need to start coding..

Note: Everything I write after "//" will not be compiled when you build your project.

using System; //references that will connect you to the OS.
using System.Collections.Generic;  //references that will connect you to the OS.
using System.Linq;  //references that will connect you to the OS.
using System.Text;  //references that will connect you to the OS.

namespace helloworld         //Executable name.
    class Program          //to initiate the program.
        static void Main(string[] args)    //to build a main form to code in.
                Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

Now this simple program is done, and it's only function is to print Hello World on the DOS screen.

Now to compile the code, & get a preview of what you've done:
Press (CTRL + F5).

[Image: iz3jlhaxcqo2gvjk7p1n.png]

This would be the simplest program to do, but it should give a very clear idea about the language & the developing environment.

You can ask about stuff you didn't understand.