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Global Research
& George I noticed your interest in certain events, why don't take a look at this link:
MindHACKer Wrote:& George I noticed your interest in certain events, why don't take a look at this link:
I'll read it.
Edit: read it.
He makes some points, like the covert involvement in Syria by US, Turkey, etc... The Syrian government doesn't comply with US stances, so it's logic they want it gone.
I disagree though when he implies the protests are almost entirely foreign creations.
I don't think the US will get directly involved in Syria as the stakes are way higher than in Libya. Russia is a direct backer of the Syrian government. They're aware of the risk of escalation.
They also don't want to piss off Russia too much, keeping in mind they need their support on the Iran issue.
You still don't get the point, Russia was not & will never be friends with the US at least not with the this kind of Governments, your Opinion is obviously "Pre-Arab Spring", you need to refresh your logic.
1 Week ago Russia & Bulgaria signed a deal for a huge Gas Pipe project after the Bulgarian Government has rejected the US deal which was postponed until the fall of "Syria", which was expected more than 7 months ago, and they couldn't wait any longer, so they had to accept the other deal, which is combined cooperation between (Russia - Iran - Iraq - Syria & Lebanon).
Which pissed off the US, especially during this tough time (Economically).
Which has lead the US to increase it's Hostility to the Syrian Government by Sending weapons & military experts to the Armed terrorists (FSA), to punish the Syrian Government & at the same time to tarnish the president's & Russia's reputation around the world by calling them "dictators & against the human rights" when Susan rice said in the security council & I quote "Let the world know those who stand for Democracy & Freedom & those who don't" after the Russian, Chinese Veto" which started the so called "Riot" against president Putin (Which was completely financed by the CIA).
Well, how is what I said wrong. I don't take a stance in my analysis.
Politics has nothing to do with friendship. There's a quote that says: "a nation has no eternal allies or eternal enemies, only eternal interests".