(wL) Forums

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Hows it going?
Names Taylor and I discovered this community while playing your popular maps server in CS:S.

I currently play:
WOW(very casual)

With talk of ranked matches in CS:go I was hoping to find a nice group of people to play csgo with!
Welcome to the community, we hope you enjoy your stay and have a good time here as well!

1. What servers do you play on?
2.What's your in-game name?

Also let us know more about you here:
Post yourself!
Favorite War-Lords CS:S Server
This or That?
Favorite Movies
and some more while you swim in our forums..

Welcome to War-Lords.net
I played with you on pop maps ;D
Welcome to the community, Faultless!
Welcome bro! Glad to meet you!
Hi man, i'm """""""new""""""""""""" me too Big Grin
Hello there
Welcome to War-lords and enjoy your stay!
Welcome mr.Faultless!