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Full Version: General Josh's Flame ceddeeoo Thread
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Here you go, feel free to troll and flame me as much as you want in here. Your insults and accusations flooding the chat is just slightly irritating, so i've given you a medium to express your thoughts as much as you want. I've never once cared and you've been somehow trolled by my responses since you constantly give angry rants again and again trying to prove to other people I'm a bad person, a douchebag, a coward, whatever, so the joke's on you really and I hope you stop caring as I have so we can both go our merry ways.

edit: oh yeah forgot to say, just like everything else, I won't be replying to your accusations and flaming in here either, but good luck trying.

edit2: Here's the reason I made this thread (read from bottom to top):

I made the damned thread, why are you still spamming the chat
Today at 10:45:15 AM
General Josh:
ah he did make, so it begins then, go ahead and start ceddeeoo, what ur argument?
Today at 10:44:14 AM
I made it
Today at 10:43:39 AM
General Josh:
ty drunk
Today at 10:39:49 AM
i just need to press "post"
Today at 10:39:29 AM
enough, u make it ceddo, or tell me to make it
Today at 10:39:22 AM
General Josh:
see im trying to spare ceddeoo just that inch of leeway by not personally creating that thread.  Then why u so scared about a thread being created on it?
Today at 10:39:21 AM
Why are you still trying to troll me josh, it has never once worked and it will never work...
Today at 10:38:34 AM
General Josh:
wow, u really must not want to see what i have to post then
Today at 10:37:54 AM
and this is pissing me off
Today at 10:37:54 AM
he didnt
Today at 10:37:49 AM
Drunk said "if u both dont stop, ill make the thread" and I clearly stopped so the thread doesn't have to be made.
Today at 10:37:25 AM
General Josh:

Today at 10:36:46 AM
k then
Today at 10:36:31 AM
General Josh:
you offer to create a thread, i agree and want you to...
Today at 10:36:12 AM
Today at 10:35:57 AM
I dont know when new maps will get added, and do intimidate me josh..
Today at 10:35:45 AM
General Josh:
do it drunk, what are you waiting for
Today at 10:35:08 AM
hey drunk, do you know when Matt's going to put in new maps in the MG server ?
Today at 10:34:59 AM
im not kidding
Today at 10:34:01 AM
General Josh:
bro, i must be getting to you in some way, you say " I'm going to go ahead and stop replying to you" yet u still reply, what is wrong with u
Today at 10:33:59 AM
General Josh:
go ahead drunk
Today at 10:33:12 AM
if u both dont stop, ill make the thread
Intial response to that, then my comments obviously must have had something true about them, otherwise you could've completely ignored me.
See then its kinda of pointless, thats just a chat log bro, and if you see that as spamming, that your problem.
Its Pointless then that u make a thread about my "flaming " to you, and you won't answer to any of it because its just automatically invalid to you.
Nobody's 100% wrong or right, you making a statement
"oh yeah forgot to say, just like everything else, I won't be replying to your accusations and flaming in here either, but good luck trying."
like this, basically means you're either trying to call what accusations  i would have 100% wrong, or that you just don't want to answer because some of my points must have been valid then.
3rd time I see you guys discussing on chat box, Now you can have at it..

Read from bottom to top.

General Josh:
ty drunk
Today at 14:39:49
i just need to press "post"
Today at 14:39:29
enough, u make it ceddo, or tell me to make it
Today at 14:39:22
General Josh:
see im trying to spare ceddeoo just that inch of leeway by not personally creating that thread.  Then why u so scared about a thread being created on it?
Today at 14:39:21
Why are you still trying to troll me josh, it has never once worked and it will never work...
Today at 14:38:34
General Josh:
wow, u really must not want to see what i have to post then
Today at 14:37:54
and this is pissing me off
Today at 14:37:54
he didnt
Today at 14:37:49
Drunk said "if u both dont stop, ill make the thread" and I clearly stopped so the thread doesn't have to be made.
Today at 14:37:25
General Josh:

Today at 14:36:46
k then
Today at 14:36:31
General Josh:
you offer to create a thread, i agree and want you to...
Today at 14:36:12
Today at 14:35:57
I dont know when new maps will get added, and do intimidate me josh..
Today at 14:35:45
General Josh:
do it drunk, what are you waiting for
Today at 14:35:08
hey drunk, do you know when Matt's going to put in new maps in the MG server ?
Today at 14:34:59
General Josh:
Today at 14:34:28
General Josh:
i know you arent drunl
Today at 14:34:21
im not kidding
Today at 14:34:01
General Josh:
bro, i must be getting to you in some way, you say " I'm going to go ahead and stop replying to you" yet u still reply, what is wrong with u
General Josh:
go ahead drunk
Today at 14:33:12
if u both dont stop, ill make the thread
Today at 14:32:37
I find it completely unsurprising that you haven't given it all one single thought. Please take a deep breath, give it five minutes and think about it.
Today at 14:32:10
General Josh:
once again bro, your continuous running away from the facts, and rather than admitting to the truth that us undeniably proven, just makes me want to hold that '' Personal grudge" more
Today at 14:30:55
General Josh:
Today at 14:29:56
I'm going to go ahead and stop replying to you and let you think very hard about all of these accusations you constantly make against me and this personal grudge you have.
Today at 14:29:42
General Josh:
i had a ton of evidence of you being a douche, and you got the moderator to close the thread, why, because it was all true huh?
Today at 14:29:21
General Josh:
uh but you are? you dont say "Can someone please disable this guy's ability to make new threads ?" to a random person
Today at 14:27:51
General Josh:
i played with skrappy many times, with the clan tag, as well as other Ride or die players, they all saw the tag, no one took any issue, dunno why its your problem
Today at 14:27:19
Yours. General Yang. I'd also appreciate it if you stopped bringing up completely unrelated threads to try to convince other people I'm a bad person. Don't be a child.
Today at 14:27:01
General Josh:
well, whose name did you say?
Today at 14:26:12
No, Skrappy didn't know until I told him...
Today at 14:25:54
General Josh:
also if i was impersonating a clan, wouldn't have Skrappy come and asked Bison to tell me to change it? Oh wait you're his lawyer huh?
Today at 14:25:26
General Josh:
and i don't know where you got your facts bro? being an ass to registry is one thing, but to take it so personally
Today at 14:24:45
I asked you nicely. I'm not sure why you got your panties in a rustle so fast.
Today at 14:24:13
General Josh:
sure, im a hypocrite, at least im honest about it.
Today at 14:23:49
you know why I care ? because i've seen people try to impersonate my clan and it is irritating and I've had to get Bison to get them to stop doing it.
Today at 14:23:39
General Josh:
why? it is pointless to be angry at someone who doesn't care or want to change.
Today at 14:23:23
rofl !
Today at 14:22:30
if u want to discuss about it, make a thread on falmez section
Today at 14:22:04
General Josh:
Today at 14:22:00
Today at 14:21:41
General Josh:
I mean i never thought a person could be lonely enough to be a jerk to everyone, from calling everyones posted music crap, to being a jerk to registry randomly, theres a list even; and i thought i was lonely....
Today at 14:18:27
General Josh:
"Can someone please disable this guy's ability to make new threads ?" This is a quote of cedeeoo being an ass to registry(check the flame and admire scripts thread) i mean cmon, he praises Bison for doing his job and here comes ceddeoo being a jerk.
Today at 14:16:13
General Josh:
eh i can care less, ceddeoo wants to continuously play his act, let him, shows me how sad he is.
Today at 14:14:40
think x2 before you say 'yes'
Today at 14:13:18
guys, im here.. want me to comment on it?
Today at 14:12:58
General Josh:
happy now, jerk, seems like everything this guy types has some kind of dickery involved, and you can't drop the act can you bro, you just gotta be a continuous jerk to ppl.
Today at 14:06:07
General Josh:
and i dont know why he cares either
Today at 14:01:59
General Josh:
huh, he is being a dick, and thats not what skrappy told me, but ok
Today at 14:01:46
i don't mean to be a dick, that's just what they told me. now, time for a much needed nap
Today at 10:44:14
hey josh, I talked to skrappy and coma and they have no idea who you are. I think they'd appreciate it if you stopped impersonating their clan with your madeup tag
Today at 10:41:10
General Josh:
O moderators, why ye Deleteth the Pigs IN Space??
entertainment for the whole family !

[Image: Popcorn_02_Stephen_Colbert.gif]
Yes, yes it is Wink
Now then, why can't you admit to things you wrote that were otherwise very jerk comments?
refer to my second to last post on the second page if you dont get what my accusations against you are. oh and look theres more,
ceddeeoo Wrote:i'm fully aware, sorry if that came across as matter-of-factish. I can't stand most of the music posted in this thread.
Now is that really a neccesary comment bro? I dont think so, you have to knock everyone elses music, before you even listened to it.
ceddeeoo Wrote:Can someone please disable this guy's ability to make new threads ?
This is you being an ass to registry in the Got caught using scripts thread, so what, this guy can't praise the admins for doing their jobs.
How bout you start admitting you've been a very naughty boy, josh ?

I think a spanking's in order.

[Image: 69236364-cool-gif-.gif]
Brb getting popcorn.

Round 1, fight!
Actually I'm

[Image: LOLing.gif]

because I remember if one or even both of you said something like this:

"I have proofs of you being a jerk"

and this thread is the place to post them, so can we have them?

By the way, I'm still

[Image: LOLing.gif]
Thats not very appropriate bro, and if i have been a naughty boy, then prove it, show me the evidence, and ill admit it if its true, and refute it accurately if its not, and you can't use the chat(if you get to make a rule that you won't respond to accusations, then i get to make a rule too), and if indeed you do find something i said that was bad, and i admit to it, then you gotta admit to something you said too.
General Josh Wrote:Yes, yes it is Wink
Now then, why can't you admit to things you wrote that were otherwise very jerk comments?
refer to my second to last post on the second page if you dont get what my accusations against you are. oh and look theres more,
ceddeeoo Wrote:i'm fully aware, sorry if that came across as matter-of-factish. I can't stand most of the music posted in this thread.
Now is that really a neccesary comment bro? I dont think so, you have to knock everyone elses music, before you even listened to it.
ceddeeoo Wrote:Can someone please disable this guy's ability to make new threads ?
This is you being an ass to registry in the Got caught using scripts thread, so what, this guy can't praise the admins for doing their jobs.

ah yes I've forgotten ! How terrible of me !

hey I found these pictures, are those you josh ? if so, call me Wink

[Image: dingdong_dantes_bench4.JPG]

[Image: 100815_04.jpg]

[Image: p_large_iyej_3868000005515c71.jpg]

if this is you, please let me know asap so i can make the dinner reservations. is the club Rectum good for you ?

by the way, this is very appropriate, I made sure with the mods first.
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