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Full Version: New PS3 Quantic Dream Tech Demo
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love this developer to death. Great tech demo.
I just got done with Heavy Rain, probably the only game that made me really think of what I do in the game. The only game that made me really worry about my character. The only game that made me feel like I am actually going through the story on my own... I'd recommend buying ps3 just for this game alone...

Many many times you have to do decisions like this in game...

Or watch these two videos, two people made two different decisions:
man, all 4 videos gave me chills.
i wonder what gaming industry is going to become from now on...
50 years later, i wonder what kind of games will our offspring will be playing.
makes me think of future deeply.
Man, that first video was pretty intense.
I hate how commentator said "no, I can't do it, he's a father". Makes me feel like shit, when I was playing it, I didn't even consider leaving him alive...