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What if Warlords.net had a SC tournament. Would you join...

i Would but I won't say i would win because I am of average ability.... I might if everyone else sucks.. lolz
well i might depends apon the game that your gaming lol so ya i might
I know of a few people who'd join. Smile
Do you have to be good to join this Sc tournament?  Smile

Im not that good at this game yet i try fighting 7 computer and died after killing 3 computers so i suck at Sc
I would definitely join in!
a 1v1 tourn wud be nice but teams wud be epic, depends on how many poeple on a team tho... i think teams of 3 people each team wud make a gg tourney.
for me, it'd depend on the map... since i rarely play low money/non fastest maps. xD

fastest map possible ftwww
Honestly, I would not join. No offence to other members of this forum
i love tournaments and im pretty good so... sure i would join gladly