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In game Name : Faultless
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11520835
Age: 27
Groups: War Lords

I am going to mix the about myself and why night watch into one.

The names Taylor and around 2001 I began playing Counter strike and it became my main game along with some Starcraft until I got into WOW in 05. WOW pretty much owned most of my life along with school. When I graduated in 09 I went fairly casual in all gaming. I got married to a girl who played WOW( I did not meet her in game) and became a father. Only in the last few years did I pick up CS:S more and more. Over the last few months I have been trying to find a place to grow some CS roots. I was playing on WL servers for a bit and discovered they had forums. I have been causally drifting around the forums, posting here and there. That’s when i noticed NightWatch on the forums a few weeks ago and began to recognize the player in game. Some players were impressive in skill and others not so much, but all were solid minded players. So I decided to toss my app on here and hope for the best. My goals for the future is to take CS:GO as serious as I took the original CS and 1.6. I believe Night Watch is a good place to start that.
See you in the game!
welcome and have fun!! cheers
Ello welcome to ze forums.
Seen this guy around in office. Good player. Friendly. The kind of fella I'd be glad to have as a clanmate.
Thanks! Smile
I think we will evaluate your application very fast. We cant get our moderation ability for our group yet, because of this new forum convertion.

Fellow roots, when are we going to have our moderator ability?
good luck ! see you around.
Now that you all have a NW section, will my app be evaluated?
Yes, we always had it, however last month we did not have mod access.
Good Luck..Wink
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