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Since the release 2 months ago Diablo 3 has seen more game changing patches and changes then League of Legends(allot). Mostly this comes from Blizz trying to regulate bots and farmers control over the RMAH(real money auction house). But with the lack-luster response the public had to very anticipated to the patch 1.03 and 1.03a, Blizzard seems to have given in(finally). They released a hot fix earlier this week that made the games hardest setting (inferno) easier to progress through, by increasing chance of higher level item drops. This means that the days of farming loot goblins and Dank cellars is over. The game has been set to where the best and easiest way to farm is just to play the game. This allows for people who refused to step into inferno just to farm for 150 hours and hope for some good loot, to progress without much extra dedication. I'm not saying you can kill inferno Diablo your first day at 60. But if you pack up the wife and kids, ship them to the in-laws for a weekend, you more then likely can.
I am willing to help anyone who would like to get a kick start in Inferno. Just send me a invite Faultless#1438. I am also a level 10 blacksmith and jeweler.
i've saw on ur ''new shoulders'' thread that you have a barb, whats ur hp, armor and dps?

Mine is somewhere like 75k hp, 9000 armor and 8k dps, i could get more HP, but i've changed a bit of gear into MF gear.
50k HP, average 500 resist, 18k dps(1h and shield), 75% MF without NV and I cant remember my armor off the top of my head. Its pretty much a build just to farm act 1 as fast as possible with no deaths. Even with the buffs to the other acts none of the other acts farm as well as act one. I start at "the black king" quest and finish the entire act in roughly 2 hours. My friend is a 110k DPS glass cannon wizard and we run it in less then a hour and a half. But that's searching for as many elites and random dungeons as possible. Act 2 is the shortest act but with some of the most miserable mobs in game. Act 3 is great but i have a problem with the npcs, they pull loot goblins and such in the middle of fighting elites all the time. In act 4 the Corrupted Angel elites can gain modifiers that just cock block you and forcing you to restart loosing you NV. A couple times i have gotten those angles that spam nuke with modifiers like Horde,Jailer,Invul minions, molten. Also act 4 seems to have been built around destroying objects to offset the lack of elites. But since the nerf of pot and angel drops act 4 just seems to be the bottom of the list. /end rant
Also im a little burned out on farming with my barb, so i have been leveling some other classes.