I demand an independent third-party arbitration to look into this, aka Dr. ruplayer.
This has vote fraud written all over it.roar.:mad:
What are you guys on about? Paranoia :O I was up there for ages, my posts are just sexy.
Haha. We talked about how long it would take before someone would notice, and who would notice.
How long was it silly, one day?
What on earth are you talking about? :eek: What a blatant misrepresentation of reality. Crazy liar, making up stories...
You should be a writer.
silly, post: 66586, member: 2152 Wrote:You should be a writer.
Maybe I am, maybe I am.
Ahuh! Caught red-handed. I discovered your treachery early on. :mad: You pompous frog's legs eating french bastard.
God fucking damn it, you fucking whorecunt of an Australian. Don't you have some bunnies to massacre over there in dry-as-fuck outback land?
^^^^^^^^^^^^^hax0rrrrrrrrr :busted:, My job is done, Inspector Cas, out.
Silly has some mad H4X guys, he linked me and it's so easy to use. Also, no virus found.