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Full Version: Wallpapers you made
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post the wallpapers you make...  ;D

um yeah you need to click to make it big, i made this for my gaming rig named chaos
i never put out 100% quality photos so there is a fue blobs n shit
[Image: 4f1723116915885.jpg]
[Image: 71db28119439335.jpg]
here is a minimal wallpaper i made for a project wallpaper
my one
Why you uploaded two? ;0
i did this when downloading CSS (VERY FUN MeDia xFerior and M. Bison know why it was fun......) Big Grin
MasKzNoEviL Wrote:i did this when downloading CSS (VERY FUN MeDia xFerior and M. Bison know why it was fun......) Big Grin
What did you make it in?
Photoshop i believe.  I use PS CS5 Smile
Ya i use PS CS5 Extended, legit of course ;D
Heres a few I made, i'm using the green one w/ eyes right now.
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