Jul 11 2012, 04:11 AM
Jul 11 2012, 04:49 AM
No one will remember you!!
Also, many clans are dead.

Jul 11 2012, 10:21 AM
Quote:where is everyone idling now
I would assume in channels.
Quote:I'm a idle again
No, just no.
Quote: lol
How is that funny?
Quote:if any 1 rembers me hihi
I don't remember/know you, so bye.
Jul 11 2012, 01:01 PM
Eternal, post: 67235, member: 478 Wrote:Dude!LOOOOOL!
I would assume in channels.
No, just no.
How is that funny?
I don't remember/know you, so bye.
Just kdding I didn't literally "lol" but that was funny.
Jul 11 2012, 03:40 PM
Then people turn to me and say that I should respect and shit, but even the staff dont calm down on words, that might be why no-one stays active on forum, before a try-out they already get trolled.
Jul 11 2012, 05:22 PM
DK, post: 67246, member: 3039 Wrote:Then people turn to me and say that I should respect and shit, but even the staff down calm down on words, that might be why no-one stays active on forum, before a try-out they already get trolled.What?
Jul 11 2012, 05:27 PM
I fixed a mistake, and I'm saying that no-one stays on forum (new members) because they get trolled before getting to know users better.