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Full Version: Application For Night Watch
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-Name in game:ƮøwεLɪe
-Steam id:STEAM_0:1:47454701
-Steam Groups you're in(if any, no benefits): (wL)
-Why Night Watch:I want to join Night Watch because I am a huge fan of war-lords servers, and I see other people with "Night Watch" as their group ingame, and I just feel I want to be a part of that.
-About yourself:I am from Canada. Born in Calgary Alberta and currently live in Lethbridge Alberta. I play steam every day and I really enjoy War-Lords servers. Mostly the 24/7 office server. I like to play soccer and I swim with my friend(s) a lot. I am also into Hockey, but I don't play it.
Thank you for your application, we will be evaluating.
good luck
Hey Towelie,
Think I've seen you around, but don't remember too well. Thanks for your app and good luck.
Big Grin
You're in the family, welcome!
Thank you very much Ruplayer!
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