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Full Version: Minigames server?
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Is anyother nonsteam player getting "Steam Validation Rejected" on the minigames server? I went onto the office server and it worked fine. So idk what's up with MG
I use Cracked Steam and i get that problem
same. D:
We've dropped cracked steam support. I'll try to see whether the non-steam developers are willing to setup a cracked steam whitelist. Alternatively, I have a few work arounds in mind.
aww man the only cracked version of cs is cracked steam ;_;
non-steam still works. for instance, a lot of (wL) non-steam users appear to use this one

there goes my fav mg server..
there goes both of my fav servers =/

can we pls get cracked steam support back? thats the only client i had for css and i dont like dling it again >_<
Only if I'm able to get a functional whitelist up. Otherwise, it probably won't happen. o_O

i pray so it could happen. xD
Hopefully everything will get resolved soon.
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