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Full Version: Greetings !
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Names Jesse guys ( _Redirect_ ) and I'm currently a member of the CMG clan. I just happened to stumble across your 24/7 death-match server a couple of weeks ago and I'm hooked ! Some damned fine players and almost always a decent game going. I jump on every day now.

Looks to be a fine community here, so with no objections, I'll be kicking around a bit. Be shanking some of you soon !
Hi Billy.
welcome to the commuity.
Welcome to the community, we hope you enjoy your stay and have a good time here as well!

1. What servers do you play on?
2.What's your in-game name?

Also let us know more about you here:
Post yourself!
Favorite War-Lords CS:S Server
This or That?
How did you find wL
and some more while you swim in our forums..

Welcome to War-Lords.net
Thanks gents. Appreciate it.
welcome to war-lord.net Smile
Welcome!I'd like to play agaisnt you on the dm server sometime!
Hey, I've seen you around. Welcome Wink
Thanks again guys.
Hey, welcome.
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