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Full Version: Hii Guys I'm Ashley Vee <3
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Hi I am . Ashley Vee <3 . I currently play a lot of CS:S, GTA 4, and Fallout 3. I am happy to scrim with any of you guys in CSS. I have past scrim experience from Combat Arms... I was a 2LT with a k/d of around 1.6+ ~ . I have been in 20+~ clans in the top 100.... Since I picked up playing CS:S and quit Combat Arms, I have decided to take a step up the ladder and start scrimming. I have naturally fast reactions and can pick up help when you guys request it. Thank you for reading this and add me on steam ^^ <3 :
[SIZE=26px]. Ashley Vee <3 .
Welcome to War-Lords.net, blah blarg blah, enjoy your stay.
Welcome to War-Lords.net. I've seen you play in the office server recently. There are plenty of members here that scrim quite a bit. I'm sure that they will post and fill you in.
Welcome And enjoy your stay Smile
Welcome to War-Lords
Welcome to the fourms
Welcome to the community! Make yourself at home and we hope you enjoy your stay.
whoa a female, wait.... crap forgot its the internet.
Welcome to War-Lords.... I look forward to killing you..... on the servers.... really...... Big Grin
We scrim almost everyday but for fun nothing to serious anyway welcome to the community hope you enjoy your stay Smile
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