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Name: 四代目火影 Minato Namikaze

Steam id: 0:1:18484883 00:13 112

Age: 17

Sex: male

Occupation: School

Country or State of Residence: USA

Hours of Availability: 3-4 hours most nights

Are you currently a War-Lords Admin?: no

Do you plan on applying for War-Lords Admin?: yes

Previous Counterstrike Experience: Just CSS

Previous Games Played: (Recent) League of Legends, Killing Floor

Previous League Experience: (Any Game) none

Computer Specs: (Optional)

Favorite Weapon: Mp5

Favorite Map: Mg_Color

Is there anything else you wish to say? (200 words max)
Gl minato Smile
Gud lock!
Good Luck Oro!
killing floor is a fun game.
Approved into LdK. U can tag up
Thank you guys!
Approved into HDK Big Grin