I really enjoy the the servers and I know the admins are almost burnt on banning one after another cheater.Still I'd like to know can we report them ? Is there a way to contact online admins ? How to become an Admin?
You can report them by filling out the form here:
You'll need to record the hacking in process you can do this by using the command: Record "filename", this will record everything on your screen in css. You can stop the recording by typing stop into your console.
If you find a hacker and no admins on, just connect the TeamSpeak server at
and tell one of the admins there, because there will almost always be an admin online there. Download teamspeak from here:
Again, the ip is:
or post the demo and steam id here and we will take futher action
Ya, but the teamspeak method is much faster. Otherwise, we could ban him long after he stopped playing, and long after he caused others to leave the server.
I randomly add talkative english speaking peopl from servers to msg me for hackers.