Def. not buying it. Hate futuristic game, robots and sound flashbang and shits, just look too futurustic for me lol. Once we're actually in 2025 I might buy it :p.
I love how the gun sounds are the same. Cheap fucks. Anyways. I to will not be buying this At all. It honestly looks like Section 8 to me. Which i never play. At all.
What happened to the CoD I use to know and love. I want CoD4 back.
lol it's the same game with more kill streaks :p
No CoD4 had fast gameplay, was pretty balanced, and 3 kill streaks.
I'll admit, it looked better than I expected.
it kinda has a borderland feel to it i think

Cas Beep Beep Im A Jeep, post: 71651, member: 4142 Wrote:Def. not buying it. Hate futuristic game, robots and sound flashbang and shits, just look too futurustic for me lol. Once we're actually in 2025 I might buy it :p.
Dre@m$, post: 71896, member: 541 Wrote:it kinda has a borderland feel to it i think 
Eh, I wouldn't say that completely, but kind of...
If CoD had Borderlands graphics/game style, I'd play it all the time.
the map kinda does have the feel of Borderland and has a HUD that kinda looks the same xP