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Full Version: Devious - One Deag This
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What do you get when you play 5 rounds of cs_office? A TON of INSANE one deag's ! Big Grin


I think they all forgot to do one simple thing, its called, DUCK!!!!

All those headshots were against guy standing up, its not impossible to do, i did it to 3 ppl in the pop maps earlier, Im Just not DVS.
Your parents must be extremely proud of you.
Nice deag on the AFK
My browser crashed while trying to write that you had something to do with this hmm?
Nice skills.
Nice devious!
Spartacus, post: 72291, member: 1060 Wrote:Nice skills.
Hacks just got a new name.. o_O

Big Grin
devi is such a fatty!...lol
Pages: 1 2