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Full Version: Funny Olympic Diver Faces
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was probably gonna get banned if i posted another one, so here they are

[Image: funny-diving-faces-3.jpg]

[Image: funny-diving-faces-2.jpg]

[Image: funny-diving-faces-1.jpg]

[Image: funny-diver-face-5.jpg]

[Image: funny-diver-faces-11.jpg]

[Image: funny-diver-faces-13.jpg]

[Image: funny-diver-face-8.jpg]

[Image: funny-diver-faces-12.jpg]

[Image: funny-diver-face-6.jpg]

[Image: funny-diver-faces-14.jpg]

[Image: funny-diver-faces-16.jpg]

[Image: funny-diver-face-7.jpg]

[Image: funny-diver-face-9.jpg]

[Image: funny-diver-face-10.jpg]
I see your funny diving faces, and raise you an Olympic Godzilla.

ahahaha spartacus

oh and it gets better

[Image: tumblr_m8dlsioGr71rzih8xo1_1280.jpg]
Funny shit right there.

Thanks for sharing.