I just wanted to say that you have a great server set up here. It is a whole lot of fun. Matt is also a great admin who actually knows what he is doing. Keep up the fantastic work! Switching up the maps once in a while would be nice, but its your server so I'm not complaining!
thank you for the feed back
What maps would you like? We're planning on setting up a bunch more servers, so you can put in some recommendations of what you would like to see

What's this!? I don't get a mention!? I've banned at least 2x more hackers than Matt! :O
i think bisons a little jelous lol
M. Bison (227 bans | 225 w.d.)
Matt! (109 bans | 109 w.d.)

. I have some work to do!
come on matt i no ur better than that woop his ass lol
Am I a good admin to?
How many bans do i have?
M. Bison (227 bans | 225 w.d.)
Jenna (0 bans | 0 w.d.)
Matt! (111 bans | 111 w.d.)
Propaganda (7 bans | 7 w.d.)
Reefchief420 (32 bans | 32 w.d.)
ShadowMaster (7 bans | 7 w.d.)
SideburnZ (22 bans | 22 w.d.)
Sniper Wolf (9 bans | 9 w.d.)
SnippyTheSniper (13 bans | 12 w.d.)
I'M SORRY! I haven't seen any other admins other than Matt until today. Maybe Matt is the weekend admin